You can now vote for your favorite wage and hour blog in the ABA Journal’s search for the 100 best legal blogs. We would love to have your support!
We started this blog about a year ago with the purpose of provding employers and lawyers with legal analysis and useful insight for handling those common, yet pesky issues that arise under the Fair Labor Standards Act and related state wage and hour laws. Whether we are highligting a significant court case, agency developments or questions we have received from our own clients (the well-received FAQs), we have attempted to give employers the tools they need to effectively spot and manage (and hopefully avoid) wage and hour violations. We have enjoyed communicating with our readers over the last year and, as always, appreciate your support as we continue with our blog.
If you find value in our blog and like what we are about on Wage and Hour Insights, we would be honored if you took a quick minute to nominate us for the ABA’s Blawg 100 by completing the (very few) questions asked. You will be asked to provide your contact information and a statement as to why you’re a fan of Wage and Hour Insights.
If you have any feedback on our Wage and Hour Insights blog and how we might get your vote in the future, please do not hesitate to contact Bill Pokorny or me.
Unlike the upcoming Presidential election, you can vote now and for more than one blog. The deadline for voting is September 7. Thanks in advance for your support.