In my last post, I outlined the “normal” commuting case after Congress passed the Employee Commuting Flexibility Act (ECFA). The ECFA clarified the applicability of the Portal-to-Portal Act to the payment of wages to employees who use employer-provided vehicles. Clarification was necessary because of two conflicting opinion letters on the topic issued by the DOL
Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Off to a Non-Compensable Commute We Go
By FranczekPC on
Posted in Travel
If only “Heigh-Ho” from Disney’s Snow White had been written sometime in 1938, rather than 1937, maybe my FLSA-influenced version would have had a chance. O.k., on second thought, probably not. But today, one of the more convoluted areas of the FLSA relates to the compensability of travel time. In general, travel time for non-exempt…
Do Employers Have to Pay for Travel Time?
By FranczekPC on
Posted in Off-the-Clock, Travel
In this economy, we continue to see lay-offs and slow growth in hiring. As a result, more employees are being asked to take on additional responsibilities and assignments. These circumstances, coupled with the fact that some employers are properly re-classifying certain jobs as non-exempt, have led to an increase in work-related travel for non-exempt employees. …