In recent years, I have noticed a movement away from the traditional categories of “vacation” and “sick” leave and holidays to hybrids like PTO, holiday hours, and personal days. While those new categories provide greater flexibility to employees and apparent ease as to record-keeping, they also complicate the question for employers about whether those accrued
Not Just Minimum Wage: Proposed Paid Sick Leave Laws on the Rise, Too
Earlier this month, we told you about California’s new statewide sick leave law, which Governor Brown subsequently signed. While minimum wage increases seem to be getting the lion’s share of the press right now, proposed paid sick leave laws are on the rise nationwide, too. Connecticut is the only other state that grants paid …
White Collar Exemptions: Paying Employees Wages in Equity, Rather than Cash
The saying goes that “Cash is King.” However, entrepreneurs often quickly learn (sometimes in painful ways) that it is Cash Flow that is really King. Run a quick Google search for “accounts receivable” financing or factoring to get a sense of how important that market is for businesses. Working for a telecommunications manufacturer, I can…
California Becomes Second State to Offer Paid Sick Leave
Over the holiday weekend, California became only the second state (after Connecticut, which began granting paid sick leave in 2012 and just passed more tweaks to it) to guarantee at least some annual paid sick leave for most full and part-time employees. Assuming Governor Brown signs the bill, California’s law would be the tenth…
Good Things Come To Those Who Document Good Wage & Hour Practices
Remember those Guinness commercials from the early 2000s with the tagline “Good things come to those who wait” (or maybe, if you predate the no-mess squeeze bottles, you remember the Heinz ketchup commercials with the same tagline from the 1980s)? In wage and hour law, good things come to those who document good wage and…
FLSA Compliance Not That Important? You Might Need a Criminal Lawyer, Too.
Those of you who attended our annual Employment Law Conference this past February know that failing to complete Form I-9 for all new hires can lead not only to civil fines and penalties, but to criminal penalties (If you missed the conference, all of the materials and audio are available here). That’s true for…
Do California State Overtime Laws Apply to Visiting Workers?
Do you have employees who visit California for business? If so, now may be a good time to brush up on California wage and hour law. On June 30, 2011, the California Supreme Court ruled that the California Labor Code’s overtime provisions applied to three non-resident employees of Oracle Corporation who performed work within the…